Kivi Bernhard on SKY TV: Business News Interview

Globally syndicated SKY TV interviews author and award winning speaker Kivi Bernhard About Kivi Bernhard Taking the professional speakers circuit by storm, Kivi Bernhard has been requested to keynote audiences from the Bahamas to Bangkok. Described by a leading international… Read more »

How to Create Happy Customers

We know that you want happy customers for your business. To achieve this, it’s about building long-term loyalty, brand advocacy from your employees and personal engagement with customers. Lior Arussy’s new educational video series will show you how to enhance… Read more »

HTC Announces REEL Kids Award Winners for 2014

Mallory  Weggemann, a 2012 Paralympic Gold Medalist in London,  was invited by HTC to serve as their special guest speaker in South Carolina. Please read the article below highlighting her inspiring keynote from this event. For more information or… Read more »

Bob Pritchard – Client Testimonials

Bob has performed over 1570 presentations in 53 countries, below are just 30 seconds sample of his amazing testimonials ING  Wow! A jolt of energy our top 200 executives will never forget. His incredible global marketing experience created a powerful impact”.  … Read more »

Mike Abrashoff– Great Testimonials Keep Coming!

“Mike was a great fit for our program and we are getting overwhelmingly positive ratings on our post-summit survey. Thank you!”–Executive Director, Meetings & Events, Marshberry “Mike did an amazing job and much appreciated. Thank you!”Vice President, Human Resources,  Marketwired… Read more »

The NATURE of big business! by Kivi Bernhard

In business, there are major strategic differences between organizations that take “wait-and-see” stances, crouching down in their offices assuming that market share is inevitable due to size and brand history… and competitors, who irrespective of market condition, actually mobilize to the trenches and feel… Read more »