Heather Lutze
- Best-Selling Author of "The Findability Formula: Getting Your Business Found on the Web"
- Google AdWords & Yahoo! Search Marketing Certified Speaker
Heather is a nationally recognized Internet marketing speaker, trainer, and consultant in search engine marketing including SEO, Paid Search and Social Media Marketing Findability. Heather Lutze’s speaking engagements are conducted in the same irreverent style of her book The Findability Formula: The Easy, Non-Technical Approach to Search Engine Marketing published by John Wiley & Sons — delivering equal parts...
read the restHeather is a nationally recognized Internet marketing speaker, trainer, and consultant in search engine marketing including SEO, Paid Search and Social Media Marketing Findability. Heather Lutze’s speaking engagements are conducted in the same irreverent style of her book The Findability Formula: The Easy, Non-Technical Approach to Search Engine Marketing published by John Wiley & Sons — delivering equal parts good information and good entertainment to audiences nationwide. Heather is a member of the National Speaker’s Association (NSA), the Colorado chapter of the NSA, and the Meeting Industry Council (MIC ). She is a Certified Google AdWords Professional (one of the first in the country!), has a Yahoo! Search Marketing Ambassador Certification, and is a Lead Trainer for the prestigious PPC Summit. She is also a Senior Editor for the Search Engine Marketing Journal (SEMJ) and is the author of The Findability Formula, the Easy, Non-Technical Guide to Search Engine Marketing, published by John Wiley and Sons, Inc., publishers of the tried and true CliffsNotes and the famed “For Dummies” series of reference books. Heather has also been named monthly columnist for Web Site Magazine doing her Findability Makeovers for web site business owners.
Heather began her Internet career as a web designer and then became a Paid Search Manager at a large dot com in Denver, Colorado, where she was responsible for a multi-million dollar paid search budget. Heather’s favorite anecdote from the early days of business web sites is this: “If I heard, “If you build it they will come” one more time, I was going to scream, because it wasn’t true. People didn’t automatically come to a web site; you had to figure out how to get them there.” Heather started consulting in response to all the web site owners who had paid for web sites that weren’t performing. Indeed, it was her clients’ frustration with getting traffic to their sites that was her inspiration for learning and mastering the art and science of search engine visibility. Heather became an expert at what works and what doesn’t in producing consistent search marketing success.
The summation of Heather’s knowledge and experience is this: What works in the field of successful search engine marketing is keyword-driven searches. She literally wrote the book on this subject. And she now shares her expertise with audiences nationwide.
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